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(CMAKE Chapter 6)
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Frequently the build process for a software project goes beyond simply compiling libraries and executables. In many cases, additional tasks may be required during or after the build process. Common examples in­clude: compiling documentation using a documentation package; generating source files by running another executable; generating files using tools for which CMake doesn't have rules (such as lex and yacc); moving the resulting executables; post processing the executable, etc. CMake supports these additional tasks using both custom commands and targets. This chapter will describe how to use custom commands and targets to perform complex tasks that CMake does not inherently support.

Portable Custom Commands

Before going into detail on how to use custom commands, we will discuss how to deal with some of their portability issues. Custom commands typically involve running programs with files as inputs or outputs. Even a simple command, such as copying a file, can be tricky to do in a cross-platform way. For example, copying a file on UNIX is done with the cp command, while on Windows it is done with the copy command. To make matters worse, frequently the names of files will change on different platforms. Executables on Windows end with .exe, while on UNIX they do not. Even between UNIX implementations there are differences, such as which extensions are used for shared libraries; .so, .sl, .dylib, etc.

CMake provides three main tools for handling these differences. The first is the -E option (short for execute) to cmake. When the cmake executable is passed the -E option, it acts as a general purpose, cross-platform utility command. The arguments following the -E option indicate what cmake should do. Some options include:

chdir dir command args Changes the current directory to dir and then executes the command with the provided arguments.

copy file destination Copies a file from one directory or filename to another.

copy_if_different in-file out-file copy _if_different first checks to see if the files are different before copying them. This is critical in many rules since the build process is based on file modification times. If the copied file is used as the input to another build rule, then copy_if_different can eliminate unnecessary recompilations.

copy_directory source destination This option copies the source directory including any subdirectories to the destination directory.

remove file1 file2... Removes the listed files from the disk.

echo string Echos a string to the console. This is useful for providing output during the build process.

time command args Runs the command and times its execution.

These options provide a platform-independent way to perform a few common tasks. The cma k e executable can be referenced by using the CMAKE_COMMAND (page 625) variable in your CMakeLists files, as later examples will show.

Of course, CMake doesn't limit you to using cmake -E in all your commands. You can use any command that you like, though it's important to consider portability issues when doing it. A common practice is to use find_program() (page 306) to find an executable (Perl, for example), and then use that executable in your custom commands.

The second tool that CMake provides to address portability issues is a number of variables describing the characteristics of the platform . The cmake-variables(7) (page 623) manual lists many variables that are useful for custom commands that need to reference files with platform-dependent names. These include CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX (page 627), CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_PREFIX (page 632), etc . which describe file naming conventions.

Finally, CMake 2.8.4 and later support "generator expressions" in custom commands. These are expressions that use the special syntax $<...>; they are evaluated by the generator of the native build files. Please see the cmake-generator-expressions(7) (page 356) manual for further details. They may appear anywhere in a custom command line. Supported expressions include:

$<CONFIGURATION> Build configuration name, such as "Debug" or "Release".

$<TARGET_FILE :tgt> The main file on disk associated with named target "tgt" (.exe, .so. 1.2, .a).

Generator expressions are not evaluated while processing CMake input files, but are instead delayed until generation of the final build system. Therefore, the values substituted for them know all the details of their evaluation context, including the current build configuration and all build properties associated with a target.

Using add_custom_command on a Target

Now we will consider the signature for add_custom_command. In Makefile terminology, add_custom_command adds a rule to a Makefile. For those more familiar with Visual Studio, it adds a custom build step to a file. add_custom_command has two main signatures: one for adding a custom command to a target and one for adding a custom command to build a file. When adding a custom command to a target the signature is as follows:

add_custom_command (
  TARGET target
  COMMAND command [ARGS arg1 arg2 arg3 ...]
  [COMMAND commmand [ARGS arg1 arg2 arg3 ...] ...]
  [COMMENT comment]

The target is the name of a CMake target (executable, library, or custom) to which you want to add the custom command. There is a choice of when the custom command should be executed. PRE_BUILD indicates that the command should be executed before any other dependencies for the target are built. PRE_LINK indicates that the command should be executed after all the dependencies are built, but before the actual link command. POST_BUILD indicates that the custom command should be executed after the target has been built. The COMMAND argument is the command (executable) to run, and ARGS provides an optional list of arguments to the command. Finally, the COMMENT argument can be used to provide a quoted string to be used as output when this custom command is run. This is useful if you want to provide some feedback or documentation on what is happening during the build. You can specify as many commands as you want for a custom command. They will be executed in the order specified.

How to Copy an Executable Once it is Built?

Now let us consider a simple custom command for copying an executable once it has been built.

# first define the executable target as usual
add_executable (Foo bar.c)

# then add the custom command to copy it
add_custom_command (
  ARGS -E copy $<TARGET_FILE:Foo> /testing_department/files

The first command in this example is the standard command for creating an executable from a list of source files. In this cases, an executable named Foo is created from the source file bar.c. Next is the add_custom_command invocation. Here the target is simply Foo and we are adding a post build com­mand. The command to execute is cmake which has its full path specified in the CMAKE_COMMAND vari­able. Its arguments are -E copy and the source and destination locations. In this case, it will copy the Foo executable from where it was built into the /testing_department/files directory. Note that the TARGET parameter accepts a CMake target (Foo in this example), but arguments specified to the COMMAND parameter normally require full paths. In this case, we pass to cmake -E copy, the full path to the exe­cutable referenced via the $<TARGET_FILE:...> generator expression.

Using add_custom_command to Generate a File

The second use for add_custom_command() (page 269) is to add a rule for how to build an output file. Here the rule provided will replace any current rules for building that file. The signature is as follows:

add_custom_command (OUTPUT output1 [output2 ...]
  COMMAND command [ARGS [args...]]
  [COMMAND command [ARGS arg1 arg2 arg3 ...] ...]
  [DEPENDS [depends...]]
  [COMMENT comment ]

The OUTPUT is the file (or files) that will result from running this custom command. The COMMAND and ARGS parameters are the command to execute and the arguments to pass to it. As with the prior signa­ture you can have as many commands as you wish. The DEPENDS are files or executables that depend on this custom command. If any of these dependencies change, this custom command will re-execute. The MAIN_DEPENDENCY is an optional argument that acts as a regular dependency; under Visual Studio, it provides a suggestion for what file to hang this custom command onto. If the MAIN_DEPENDENCY is not specified, CMake will create one automatically. The MAIN_DEPENDENCY should not be a regular .c or .cxx file since the custom command will override the default build rule for the file. Finally, the optional COMMENT is a comment that may be used by some generators to provide additional information during the build process.

Using an Executable to Build a Source File

Sometimes a software project builds an executable that is then used for generating source files, which are used to build other executables or libraries. This may sound like an odd case, but it occurs quite frequently. One example is the build process for the TIFF library, which creates an executable that is then run to generate a source file that has system specific information init. This file is then used as a source file in building the main TIFF library. Another example is the Visualization Toolkit (VTK), which builds an executable called vtkWrapTcl that wraps C++ classes into Tel. The executable is built and then used to create more source files for the build process.

# Test using a compiled program to create a file

# add the executable that will create the file
# build creator executable from creator.cxx
add_executable (creator creator.cxx)

# add the custom command to produce created.c
add_custom_command (
  DEPENDS creator
  COMMAND creator ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/created.c

# add an executable that uses created.c
add_executable (Foo ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/created.c)

The first part of this example produces the creator executable from the source file creator.cxx. The custom command then sets up a rule for producing the source file created.c by running the executable creator. The custom command depends on the creator target and writes its result into the output tree (PROJECT_BINARY_DIR). Finally, an executable target called Foo is added, which is built using the created.c source file. CMake will create all the required rules in the Makefile (or Visual Studio workspace) so that when you build the project, the creator executable will be built, and run to create created.c, which will then be used to build the Foo executable.

Adding a Custom Target

In the discussion so far, CMake targets have generally referred to executables and libraries. CMake sup­ports a more general notion of targets, called custom targets, which can be used whenever you want the notion of a target but without the end product being a library or an executable. Examples of custom tar­gets include targets to build documentation, run tests, or update web pages. To add a custom target, use the ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET command with the following signature:

  [command arg arg arg... ]
  [DEPENDS depend depend depend ... ]

The name specified will be the name given to the target. You can use that name to specifically build that target with Makefiles (make name) or Visual Studio (right-click on the target and then select Build). If the optional ALL argument is specified, this target will be included in the ALL_BUILD target and will automatically be built whenever the Makefile or Project is built. The command and arguments are optional; if specified, they will be added to the target as a post-build command. For custom targets that will only execute a command this is all you will need. More complex custom targets may depend on other files, in these cases the DEPENDS arguments are used to list which files this target depends on. We will consider examples of both cases. First, let us look at a custom target that has no dependencies:

  ${JAR} -cvf "\"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Foo.jar\""
# Add the rule to build the .dvi file from the .tex
# file. This relies on LATEX being set correctly
add_custom_command (

# Add the rule to produce the .pdf file from the .dvi
# file. This relies on DVIPDF being set correctly
add_custom_command (

# finally add the custom target that when invoked
# will cause the generation of the pdf file

This example makes use of both add_custom_command and ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET. The two add_custom_command invocations are used to specify the rules for producing a .pdf file from a .tex file. In this case, there are two steps and two custom commands. First a .dvi file is produced from the .tex file by running LaTeX, then the .dvi file is processed to produce the desired .pdf file. Finally, a custom target is added called TDocument. Its command simply echoes out what it is doing, while the real work is done by the two custom commands. The DEPENDS argument sets up a dependency between the custom target and the custom commands. When TDocument is built, it will first look to see if all of its dependencies are built. If any are not built, it will invoke the appropriate custom commands to build them. This example can be shortened by combining the two custom commands into one custom command, as shown in the following example:

# Add the rule to build the .pdf file from the .tex
# file. This relies on LATEX and DVIPDF being set correctly
add_custom_command (
# finally add the custom target that when invoked
# will cause the generation of the pdf file

Now consider a case where the documentation consists of multiple files. The above example can be modified to handle many files by using a list of inputs and a foreach loop. For example

# set the list of documents to process
set (DOCS doc1 doc2 doc3)

# add the custom commands for each document
foreach (DOC ${DOCS})

  add_custom_command (

  # build a list of all the results

endforeach (DOC)

# finally add the custom target that when invoked
# will cause the generation of the pdf file

In this example, bui lding the custom target TDocument will cause all of the specified .pdf files to be gener­ated. Adding a new document to the list is simply a matter of adding its filename to the DOCS variable at the top of the example.

Specifying Dependencies and Outputs

When using custom commands and custom targets you will often be specifying dependencies. When specify a dependency or the output of a custom command, you should always specify the full path. example, if the command produces foo.h in the binary tree then its output should be something ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/foo.h. CMake will try to determine the correct path for the file if not specified; complex projects frequently end up using files in both the source and build trees, this eventually lead to errors if the full paths are not specified.

When specifying a target as a dependency, you can leave off the full path and executable extension, referenc­ing it simply by its name. Consider the specification of the generator target as an add_custom_command dependency in the example earlier in this chapter. CMake recognizes creator as matching an existing target and properly handles the dependencies.

When There isn't One Rule For One Output

There are a couple of unusual cases that can arise when using custom commands that warrant further expla­nation. The first is a case where one command (or executable) can create multiple outputs, and the second is when multiple commands can be used to create a single output.

A Single Command Producing Multiple Outputs

In CMake, a custom command can produce multiple outputs simply by listing multiple outputs after the OUTPUT keyword. CMake will create the correct rules for your build system so that no matter which output is required for a target, the right rules will be run. If the executable happens to produce a few outputs but the build process is only using one of them, then you can simply ignore the other outputs when creating your custom command. Say that the executable produces a source file that is used in the build process, and also an execution log that is not used. The custom command should specify the source file as the output and ignore the fact that a log file is also generated.

Another case of having one command with multiple outputs is when the command is the same but the argu­ments to it change. This is effectively the same as having a different command, and each case should have its own custom command. An example of this was the documentation example on page 112, where a custom command was added for each .lex file. The command is the same but the arguments passed to it change each time.

Having One Output That Can Be Generated By Different Commands

In rare cases, you may fi nd that you have more than one command that you can use to generate an output. Most build systems, such as make and Visual Studio, do not support this and likewise CMake does not. There are two common approaches that can be used to resolve this. If you truly have two different commands that produce the same output and no other significant outputs, then you can simply pick one of them and create a custom command for it.

In more complex cases there are multiple commands with multiple outputs; for example:

Command1 produces foo.h and bar.h
Command2 produces widget.h and bar.h

There are a few approaches that can be used in this case. You might consider combining both commands and all three outputs into a single custom command, so that whenever one output is required, all three are built at the same time. You could also create three custom commands, one for each unique output. The custom command for foo.h would invoke Command I, while the one for widget .h would invoke Command2. When specifying the custom command for bar.h, you could choose either Command1 or Command2.
