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(CMAKE Chapter 3)
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Main Structures

Thi s chapter provides an introduction to CMake's key concepts. As you start working with CMake, you will run into a variety of concepts such as targets, generators, and commands. In CMake, these concepts are implemented as C++ classes and are referenced in many of CMake's commands. Understanding these concepts will provide you with the working knowledge you need to create effective CMakeLists files.

Before going into detail about CMake's classes, it is worth understanding their basic relationships. At the lowest level are source files; these correspond to typical C or C++ source code fi les. Source files are combined into targets. A target is typically an executable or library. A directory represents a directory in the source tree and typically has a CMakeLists file and one-or-more targets associated with it. Every directory has a local generator that is responsible for generating the Makefiles or project files for that directory. All of the local generators share a common global generator that oversees the build process. Finally, the global generator is created and driven by the cmake class itself.

Figure 3.1 shows the basic class structure of CMake. We will now consider C Make's concepts in a bit more detail. CMake's execution begins by creating an instance of the cmake class and passing command line arguments to it. This class manages the overall configuration process and holds information that is global to the build process, such as the cache values. One of the first things the cmake class does is to create the correct global generator based on the user's selection of which generator to use (such as Visual Studio 10, Borland Makefiles, or UNIX Makefiles). At this point, the cmake class passes control to the global generator it created by invoking the configure and generate methods.

<<Figure 3.1 : CMake Internals>>

The global generator is responsible for managing the configuration and generation of all of the Makefiles (or project files) for a project. In practice, most of the work is actually done by local generators that are created by the global generator. One local generator is created for each directory of the project that is processed. So while a project will have only one global generator, it may have many local generators. For example, under Visual Studio 7, the global generator creates a solution file for the entire project while the local generators create a project file for each target in their directory.

In the case of the "Unix Makefiles" generator, the local generators create most of the Makefiles and the global generator simply orchestrates the process and creates the main top-level Makefile. Implementation details vary widely among generators. Visual Studio 6 generators make use of .dsp and .dsw file templates and perform variable replacements on them. The generators for Visual Studio 7 and later directly generate the XML output without using any file templates. The Makefile generators incl uding UNIX, NMake, Borland, etc. use a set of rule templates and replacements to generate their Makefiles.

<<Figure 3.2: Sample Directory Tree>>

Each local generator has an instance of the class cmMakefile, which is where the results of parsing the CMakeLists files are stored. For each directory in a project there will be a single cmMakefile instance, which is why the cmMakefile class is often referred to as the directory. This is clearer for build systems that do not use Makefiles. That instance will hold all of the information from parsing that directory 's CMakeLists file (see Figure 3.1). One way to think of the cmMakefile class is as a structure that starts out initialized with a few variables from its parent directory, and is then filled in as the CMakeLists file is processed. Reading in the CMakeLists file is simply a matter of CMake executing the commands it finds in the order it encounters them.

Each command in CMake is implemented as a separate C++ class, and has two main parts. The first part of a command is the InitialPass method, which receives the arguments and the cmMakefile instance for the directory currently being processed and performs its operations. The set command processes its arguments and if the arguments are correct, it calls a method on the cmMakefile to set the variable. The results of the command are always stored in the cmMakefile instance; information is never stored in a command. The last part of a command is the FinalPass. The FinalPass of a command is executed after all commands (for the entire CMake project) have had their InitialPass invoked. Most commands do not have a FinalPass, but in some rare cases a command must do something with global information that may not be available during the initial pass.

Once all of the CMakeLists files have been processed, the generators use the information collected into the cmMakefile instances to produce the appropriate files for the target build system (such as Makefiles).


Now that we have discussed the overall process of CMake, let us consider some of the key items stored in the cmMakefile instance. Probably the most important item is targets. Targets represent executables, libraries, and utilities built by CMake. Every add_library() (page 274), add_executable() (page 273), and ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET() (page 272) command creates a target. For example, the following command will create a target named "foo" that is a static library, with foo1.c and foo2.c as source files.

add_library (foo STATIC foo1.c foo2.c)

The name "foo" is now avai lable for use as a library name everywhere else in the project, and CMake will know how to expand the name into the library when needed. Libraries can be declared as a particular type such as STATIC, SHARED, MODULE, or left undeclared. STATIC indicates that the library must be built as a static library. Likewise, SHARED indicates it must be built as a shared library. MODULE indicates that the library must be created so that it can be dynamically-loaded into an executable. Module libraries are implemented as shared libraries on many platforms, but not all. Therefore, CMake does not allow other targets to link to modules. If none of these options are specified, it indicates that the library could be built as either shared or static. In that case, CMake uses the setting of the variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to determine if the library should be SHARED or STATIC. If it is not set, then CMake defaults to building static libraries.

Likewise, executables have some options. By default, an executable will be a traditional console application that has a main entry point. One may specify a WIN32 option to request a WinMain entry point on Windows systems, while retaining main on non-Windows systems.

In addition to storing their type, targets also keep track of general properties. These properties can be set and retrieved using the set_target_properties() (page 332) and get_target_property() (page 312) commands, or the more general set_property() (page 329) and get_property() (page 311) commands. One useful property is LINK_FLAGS (page 598), which i s used to specify addi­tional link flags for a specific target. Targets store a list of libraries that they link against, which are set using the target_link_libraries() (page 340) command. Names passed into this command can be libraries, full paths to libraries, or the name of a library from an add_library() (page 274) command. Targets also store the link directories to use when linking, and custom commands to execute after building.

For each library or executable CMake creates, it tracks of all the libraries on which that target depends. Since static libraries do not actually link to the libraries on which they depend, it is important for CMake to keep track of their dependencies so they can be specified when other targets link to the static library. For example:

add_library (foo foo.cxx)
target_link_libraries (foo bar)

add_executable (foobar foobar.cxx)
target_link_linraries (foobar foo)

will link the libraries "foo" and "bar" into the executable "foobar" even though only "foo" was explicitly specified for it. This is required when linking to static libraries. Since the foo library uses symbols from the bar library, foobar will most likely also need bar since it uses foo.

In some cases, such as when using external libraries, or when reducing the overlinking when creating dynamic libraries you want only a subset of your link dependencies to be propagated to targets that link to you. These advanced use cases are covered in the AdvancedLinking section of the Linking Chapter.

Source Files

The source file structure i s in many ways similar to a target. It stores the filename, extension, and a number of general properties related to a source file. Like targets, you can set and get properties using set_source_files_properties and get_source_file_property, or the more generic ver­sions. Available properties include:

COMPILE_FLAGSCompile flags specific to this source file. These can include source specific -D and -I flags

GENERATED The GENERATED property indicates that the source file is generated as part of the build process. It tells CMake not to complain if the source file does not exist prior to building. This is set automatically by add_custom_command for its output.

OBJECT_DEPENDS Adds additional files on which this source file should depend. CMake automatically performs dependency analysis to determine the usual C, C++, and Fortran dependencies. This param­eter is used rarely in cases where there is an unconventional dependency or if the source files do not exist at dependency analysis time.

Directories, Generators, Tests, and Properties

In addition to targets and source files, you may find yourself occasionally working with other classes such as directories, generators, and tests. Normally such interactions take the shape of setting or getting properties from these objects. All of these classes have properties associated with them, as do source files and targets. A property is a key-value pair attached to a specific object such as a target. The most generic way to access properties is through the set_property() (page 329) and get_property() (page 311) commands. These commands allow you to set or get a property from any class in CMake that has properties. Some of the properties for targets and source files have already been covered. Some useful properties for a directory include:

ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES This property specifies a list of additional files that will be cleaned as a part of the "make clean" stage. CMake will clean up any generated files that it knows about by default, but your build process may use other tools that leave files behind. This property can be set to a list of those files so that they also will be properly cleaned up.

EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL Thi s property indicates if all the targets in this directory and all sub-directories should be excluded from the default build target. If it is not, then with a Makefile, for example, typing make will cause these targets to be built as well. The same concept applies to the default build of other generators.

LISTFILE_STACK This property is mainly useful when trying to debug errors in your CMake scripts. It returns a list of which list files are currently being processed, in order. So if one CMakeLists file does an include command, it is effectively pushing the included CMakeLists file onto the stack.

A full list of properties supported in CMake can be obtained by running cmake with the --help-property-list option. The generators and directories are automatically created for you as CMake processes your source tree.

Variables and Cache Entries

CMakeLists files use variables much like any programming language. As discussed in Chapter 2 variables hold string values for later use. A number of useful variables are automatically defined by CMake and are discussed in the cmake-variables(7) (page 623) manual.

Variables in CMake are referenced using a ${VARIABLE} notation, and are defined in the order of the execution of set commands. Consider the following example:

# FOO is undefined

set (FOO 1)
# FOO is now set to 1

set (FOO 0)
# FOO is now set to 0

This may seem straightforward, but consider the following example:

set (FOO 1)

if (${FOO} LESS 2)
  set (FOO 2)
else (${FOO} LESS 2)
  set (FOO 3)
endif (${FOO} LESS 2)

Clearly the if statement is true, which means that the body of the if statement will be executed. That will set the variable FOO to 2, and so when the else statement is encountered FOO will have a value of 2. Normally in CMake the new value of FOO would be used, but the else statement is a rare exception to the rule and always refers back to the value of the variable when the if statement was executed. In this case, the body of the else clause will not be executed. To further understand the scope of variables, consider this example:

set (foo 1)

# process the dir1 subdirectory
add_subdirectory (dir1)

# include and process the commands in file1.cmake
include (file1.cmake)

set (bar2)

# process the dir2 subdirectory
add_subdirectory (dir2)

# include and process the commands in file2.cmake
include (file2.cmake)

In this example, because the variable foo is defined at the beginning, it will be defined while processing both dir1 and dir2. In contrast, bar will only be defined when processing dir2. Likewise, foo will be de­fined when processing both file1.cmake and file2.cmake, whereas bar will only be defined while processing file2.cmake.

Variables in CMake have a scope that is a little different from most languages. When you set a variable, it is visible to the current CMakeLists file or function and any subdirectory 's CMakeLists files, any functions or macros that are invoked, and any files that are included using the INCLUDE() (page 317) command. When a new subdirectory is processed (or a function called), a new variable scope is created and initialized with the current value of all variables in the calling scope. Any new variables created in the child scope, or changes made to existing variables, will not impact the parent scope. Consider the following example:

function (foo)
  message (${test}) # test is 1 here
  set (test 2)
  message (${test}) # test is 2 here, but only in this scope

set (test 1)
message (${test}) # test will still be 1 here

In some cases, you might want a function or subdirectory to set a variable in its parent's scope. This is one way for CMake to return a value from a function, and it can be done by using the PARENT_SCOPE option with the set() (page 330) command. We can modify the prior example so that the function foo changes the value of test in its parent's scope as follows:

function (foo)
  message (${test}) # test is 1 here
  set (test 2 PARENT_SCOPE)
  message (${test}) # test still 1 in this scope

set (test 1)
message (${test}) # test will still be 2 here

Variables can also represent a list of values. In these cases when the variable is expanded it will be expanded into multiple values. Consider the following example:

# set a list of items
set (items_to_buy apple orange pear beer)

# loop over the items
foreach (item ${items_to_buy})
  message ( "Don't forget to buy one ${item}" )
endforeach ()

In some cases, you might want to allow the user building your project to set a variable from the CMake user interface. In that case, the variable must be a cache entry. Whenever CMake is run, it produces a cache file in the directory where the binary files are to be written. The values of this cache file are displayed by the CMake user interface. There are a few purposes of this cache. The first is to store the user's selections and choices, so that if they should run CMake again they will not need to reenter that information. For example, the option() (page 327) command creates a Boolean variable and stores it in the cache.

option (USE_JPEG "Do you want to use the jpeg library")

The above line would create a variable called USE_JPEG and put it into the cache. That way the user can set that variable from the user interface and its value will remain in case the user should run CMake again in the future. To create a variable in the cache, use commands like option, find_file() (page 292), or the standard set command with the CACHE option.

set (USE_JPEG ON CACHE BOOL "include jpeg support?")

When you use the cache option, also provide the type of the variable and a documentation string. The type of the variable is used by the GUI to control how that variable is set and displayed, but the value is always a string. Variable types include BOOL, PATH, FILEPATH, and STRING. The documentation string is used by the GUI to provide online help.

Another purpose of the cache is to persistently store values between CMake runs. These entries may not be visible or adjustable by the user. Typically these values are system-dependent variables such as CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN, which require CMake to compile and run a program to determine their value. Once these values have been determined, they are stored in the cache to avoid having to recompute them ev­ery time CMake is run. CMake generally tries to limit these variables to properties that should never change (such as the byte order of the machine you are on). If you significantly change your computer, either by changing the operating system or switching to a different compiler, you will need to delete the cache file (and probably all of your binary tree's object files, libraries, and executables).

Variables that are in the cache also have a property indicating if they are advanced or not. By default, when a CMake GUI is run (such as ccmake or cmake-gui), the advanced cache entries are not displayed. This is so the user can focus on the cache entries that they should consider changing. The advanced cache entries are other options that the user can modify, but typically will not. It is not unusual for a large software proj ect to have fifty or more options, and the advanced property lets a software project divide them into key options for most users and advanced options for advanced users. Depending on the project, there may not be any non-advanced cache entries. To make a cache entry advanced, the mark_as_advanced() (page 325) command is used with the name of the variable (a.k.a. cache entry).

In some cases, you m ight want to restrict a cache entry to a limited set of predefined options. You can do this by setting the STRINGS (page 621) property on the cache entry. The following CMakeLists code illustrates this by creating a property named CRYPTOBACKEND as usual, and then setting the STRINGS property on it to a set of three options.

      "Select a cryptography backend")
              "OpenSSL" "LibTomCrypt" "LibDES")

When cmake-gui is run and the user selects the CRYPTOBACKEND cache entry, they will be presented with a pulldown to select which option they want, as shown in Figure 3.3.

<<Figure 3.3 : Cache Value Options in cmake-gui>>

A few final points should be made concerning variables and their interaction with the cache. If a variable is in the cache, it can still be overridden in a CMakeLists file using the set command without the CACHE option. Cache values are checked when a referenced variable is not defined in the current scope. The set command will define a variable for the current scope without changing the value in the cache.

# assume that FOO is set to ON in the cache

set (FOO OFF)
# sets foo to OFF for processing this CMakeLists file
# and subdirectories; the value in the cache stays ON

Once a variable is in the cache, its "cache" value cannot normally be modified from a CMakeLists file. The reasoning behind this is that once CMake has put the variable into the cache with its initial value, the user may then modify that value from the GUI. If the next invocation of CMake overwrote their change back to the set value, the user would never be able to make a change that CMake wouldn't overwrite. A set(FOO ON CACHE BOOL "doc") command will typically only do something when the cache doesn't have the variable in it. Once the variable is in the cache, that command will have no effect.

Build Configurations

Build configurations allow a project to be built in different ways for debug, optimized, or any other special set of flags. CMake supports, by default, Debug, Release, MinSizeRel, and RelWithDeblnfo configurations. Debug has the basic debug flags turned on. Release has the basic optimizations turned on. MinSizeRel has flags that produce the smallest object code, but not necessarily the fastest code. RelWithDeblnfo builds an optimized build with debug information as well.

CMake handles the configurations in slightly different ways depending on the generator being used. The conventions of the native build system are followed when possible. This means that configurations impact the build in different ways when using Makefiles versus using Visual Studio project files.

The Visual Studio IDE supports the notion of Build Configurations. A default project in Visual Studio usually has Debug and Release configurations. From the IDE you can select build Debug, and the files will be built with Debug flags. The IDE puts all of the binary files into directories with the name of the active configuration. This brings about an extra complexity for projects that build programs that need to be run as part of the build process from custom commands. See the CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR (page 625) variable and the custom commands section for more information about how to handle this issue. The variable CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES (page 640) is used to tell CMake which configurations to put in the workspace.

With Makefile-based generators, only one configuration can be active at the time CMake is run, and it is specified with the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE (page 639) variable. If the variable is empty then no flags are added to the build. If the variable is set to the name of a configuration, then the appropriate variables and rules (such as CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_<ConfigName>) are added to the compile lines. Makefiles do not use special configuration subdirectories for object files. To build both debug and release trees, the user is expected to create m ultiple build directories using the out-of-source build feature of CMake, and set the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to the desired selection for each build. For example:

# With source code in the directory MyProject
# to build MyProject-debug create that directory, cd into it and
(ccmake ../MyProject ~DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug)
# the same idea is used for the release tree MyProject-release
{ccmake ../MyProject ~DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release)
