- Recovering from a Bad Configuration
잘못된 설정 복구(Recovering from a Bad Configuration)
If you can't restart your system because of a bad configuration or because of bugs in your driver, try restarting with a default configuration. To do this, type the following at the boot: prompt when the system starts:
boot: config=Default
This causes the boot program to use Default.table in System.config as the system configuration, which usually works. Once you've started up, log in as me or root and use Configure to fix the rest of the configuration.
If you still can't start the system, try starting in single-user mode and editing the bundles by hand. This is risky since the configuring process has many "rules of thumb," and you might not know all the effects of a change. To restart in single-user mode, type the following at the boot: prompt after you restart:
boot: mach_kernel -s config=Default
You can then use a single-user mode editor (such as vi or emacs) to edit the configuration bundles.