Smalltalk80LanguageImplementation:Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 Formal Specification of the Primitive Methods

Formal Specification of the Primitive Methods

When a message is sent, the interpreter usually responds by executing a Smalltalk CompiledMethod. This involves creating a new MethodContext for that CompiledMethod and executing its bytecodes until a return bytecode is encountered. Some messages, however, may be responded to primitively. A primitive response is performed directly by the interpreter without creating a new context or executing any other bytecodes. Each primitive response the interpreter can make is described by a primitive routine. A primitive routine removes the message receiver and arguments from the stack and replaces them with the appropriate result. Some primitive routines have other effects on the object memory or on some hardware devices. After a primitive response is completed, the interpreter proceeds with interpretation of the bytecode after the send bytecode that caused the primitive to be executed.

At any point in its execution, a primitive routine may determine that a primitive response cannot be made. This may, for example, be due to a message argument of the wrong class. This is called primitive failure. When a primitive fails, the Smalltalk method associated with the selector and receiver's class will be executed as if the primitive method did not exist.

The table below shows the class-selector pairs associated with each primitive routine. Some of these class-selector pairs have not appeared earlier in this book since they are part of the class's private protocol. Some of the primitive routines must meet their specification in order for the system to function properly. Other primitive routines are optional; the system will simply perform less efficiently if they always fail. The optional primitives are marked with an asterisk. The Smalltalk methods associated with optional primitive routines must do everything the primitive does. The Smalltalk methods associated with required primitive routines need only handle the cases for which the primitive fails.

Primitive Index Class-Selector Pairs
1 SmallInteger +
2 SmallInteger -
3 SmallInteger <
4 SmallInteger >
5* SmallInteger < =
6* SmallInteger > =
7 SmallInteger =
8* SmallInteger ~=
9 SmallInteger *
10* SmallInteger /
11* SmallInteger \\
12 SmallInteger //
13* SmallInteger quo:
14 SmallInteger bitAnd:
15 SmallInteger bitOr:
16 SmallInteger bitXor:
17 SmallInteger bitShift:
18* Number @
21* Integer + LargePositiveInteger +
22* Integer - LargePositiveInteger -
23* Integer < LargePositiveInteger <
24* Integer > LargePositiveInteger >
25* Integer < = LargePositiveInteger < =
26* Integer > = LargePositiveInteger > =
27* Integer = LargePositiveInteger =
28* Integer ~= LargePositiveInteger ~=
29* Integer * LargePositiveInteger *
30* Integer / LargePositiveInteger /
31* Integer \\ LargePositiveInteger \\
32* Integer // LargePositiveInteger //
33* Integer quo: LargePositiveInteger quo:
34* Integer bitAnd: LargePositiveInteger bitAnd:
35* Integer bitOr: LargePositiveInteger bitOr:
36* Integer bitXor: LargePositiveInteger bitXor:
37* Integer bitShift: LargePositiveInteger bitShift:
4O SmallInteger asFloat
41 Float +
42 Float -
43 Float <
44 Float >
45* Float < =
46* Float > =
47 Float =
48* Float ~=
49 Float *
50 Float /
51 Float truncated
52* Float fractionPart
53* Float exponent
54* Float timesTwoPower:
60 LargeNegativeInteger digitAt:
LargePositiveInteger digitAt:
Object at:
Object basicAt:
61 LargeNegativeInteger digitAt:put:
LargePositiveInteger digitAt:put:
Object basicAt:put:
Object at:put:
62 ArrayedCollection size
LargeNegativeInteger digitLength
LargePositiveInteger digitLength
Object basicSize
Object size
String size
63 String at:
String basicAt:
64 String basicAt:put:
String at:put:
65* ReadStream next ReadWriteStream next
66* WriteStream nextPut:
67* PositionableStream atEnd
68 CompiledMethod objectAt:
69 CompiledMethod objectAt:put:
70 Behavior basicNew Behavior new
Interval class new
71 Behavior new:
Behavior basicNew:
72 Object become:
73 Object instVarAt:
74 Object instVarAt:put:
75 Object asOop
Object hash
Symbol hash
76 SmallInteger asObject
SmallInteger asObjectNoFail
77 Behavior someInstance
78 Object nextInstance
79 CompiledMethod class newMethod:header:
80* ContextPart blockCopy:
81 BlockContext value:value:value:
BlockContext value:
BlockContext value:
BlockContext value:value:
82 BlockContext valueWithArguments:
83* Object perform:with:with:with:
Object perform:with:
Object perform:with:with:
Object perform:
84 Object perform:withArguments:
85 Semaphore signal
86 Semaphore wait
87 Process resume
88 Process suspend
89 Behavior flushCache
90* InputSensor primMousePt InputState primMousePt
91 InputState primCursorLocPut:
InputState primCursorLocPutAgain:
92 Cursor class cursorLink:
93 InputState primInputSemaphore:
94 InputState primSampleInterval:
95 InputState primInputWord
96 BitBlt copyBitsAgain BitBlt copyBits
97 SystemDictionary snapshotPrimitive
98 Time class secondClockInto:
99 Time class millisecondClockInto:
100 ProcessorScheduler signal:atMilliseconds:
101 Cursor beCursor
102 DisplayScreen beDisplay
103* CharacterScanner scanCharactersFrom:to:in:
104* BitBlt drawLoopX:Y:
105* ByteArray primReplaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
ByteArray replaceFrom:to:withString:startingAt:
String replaceFrom:to:withByteArray:startingAt:
String primReplaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:
110 Character =
Object = =
111 Object class
112 SystemDictionary coreLeft
113 SystemDictionary quitPrimitive
114 SystemDictionary exitToDebugger
115 SystemDictionary oopsLeft
116 SystemDictionary signal:atOopsLeft:wordsLeft:
The Smalltalk Primitives

An example of a primitive method is the response of instances of SmallInteger to messages with selector +. If the argument is also an instance of SmallInteger, and the sum of the values of the receiver and argument is in the range that can be represented by SmallInteger, then the primitive method will remove the receiver and argument from the stack and replace them with an instance of SmallInteger whose value is the sum. If the argument is not a SmallInteger or the sum is out of range, the primitive will fail and the Smalltalk method associated with the selector + in SmallInteger will be executed.

The control structures used in the specification of the interpreter given in this book and the control structures used in a machine language implementation of the interpreter will probably use different mechanisms when primitive routines fail to complete. When a failure condition arises, a machine language primitive routine can decide not to return to its caller and simply jump to the appropriate place in the interpreter (usually the place that activates a CompiledMethod). However, since the formal specification is written in Smalltalk, all routines must return to their senders and Interpreter must keep track of primitive success or failure independently of the routine call structure. Part of the book specification, therefore, is a register called success that is initialized to true when a primitive is started and may be set to false if the routine fails. The following two routines set and test the state of the primitive success register.

success: successValue
    success  successValue & success

The following routines set the state of the success flag in the two common cases of initialization before a primitive routine runs and discovery by a primitive routine that it cannot complete.

    success  true
    success  false

Many of the primitives manipulate integer quantities, so the interpreter includes several routines that perform common functions. The popInteger routine is used when a primitive expects a SmallInteger on the top of the stack. If it is a SmallInteger, its value is returned; if not, a primitive failure is signaled.

    | integerPointer |
    integerPointer  self popStack.
    self success: (memory isIntegerObject: integerPointer).
    self success
        ifTrue: [memory integerValueOf: integerPointer]

Recall that the fetchInteger:ofObject: routine signaled a primitive failure if the indicated field did not contain a SmallInteger. The pushInteger: routine converts a value to a SmallInteger and pushes it on the stack.

pushInteger: integerValue
    self push: (memory integerObjectOf: integerValue)

Since the largest indexable collections may have 65534 indexable elements, and SmallIntegers can only represent values up to 16383, primitive routines that deal with indices or sizes must be able to manipulate LargePositiveIntegers. The following two routines convert back and forth between 16-bit unsigned values and object pointers to SmallIntegers or LargePositiveIntegers.

positive 16BitIntegerFor: integerValue
    | newLargeInteger |
    integerValue < 0
        ifTrue: [self primitiveFail].
    (memory isIntegerValue: integerValue)
        ifTrue: [memory integerObjectOf: integerValue].
    newLargeInteger  memory instantiateClass:
                withBytes: 2.
    memory storeByte: 0
            ofObject: newLargeInteger
            withValue: (self lowByteOf: integerValue).
    memory storeByte: 1
            ofObject: newLargeInteger
            withValue: (self highByteOf: integerValue).

positive 16BitValueOf: integerPointer
    | value |
    (memory isIntegerObject: integerPointer)
        ifTrue: [memory integerValueOf: integerPointer].
    (memory fetchClassOf: integerPointer) =
        ifFalse: [self primitiveFail].
    (memory fetchByteLengthOf: integerPointer) = 2
        ifFalse: [self primitiveFail].
    value  memory fetchByte: 1
            ofObject: integerPointer.
    value  value * 256 + (memory fetchByte: 0
                    ofObject: integerPointer).

There are three ways that a primitive routine can be reached in the process of interpreting a send-message bytecode.

  1. Some primitive routines are associated with send-special-selector bytecodes for certain classes of receiver. These can be reached without a message lookup.
  2. The two most common primitive routines (returning self or an instance variable) can be indicated in the flag value of the header of a CompiledMethod. These are only found after a message lookup has produced a CompiledMethod, but only the header need be examined.
  3. Most primitive routines are indicated by a number in the header extension of a CompiledMethod. These are also found after a message lookup.

The first path to a primitive routine was represented by the call on specialSelectorPrimitiveResponse in the sendSpecialSelectorBytecode routine. The specialSelectorPrimitiveResponse routine selects an appropriate primitive routine and returns true if a primitive response was successfully made and false otherwise. Recall that the sendSpecialSelectorBytecode routine looks up the special selector if specialSelectorPrimitiveResponse returns false.

    self initPrimitive.
    (currentBytecode between: 176 and: 191)
        ifTrue: [self arithmeticSelectorPrimitive].
    (currentByteCode between: 192 and: 207)
        ifTrue: [self commonSelectorPrimitive].
    self success

A primitive routine will be accessed by a special arithmetic selector only if the receiver is a SmallInteger. The actual primitive routines will be described in the section on arithmetic primitives.

    self success: (memory isIntegerObject: (self stackValue: 1)).
    self success
        ifTrue: [currentBytecode = 176 ifTrue: [self primitiveAdd].
            currentBytecode = 177 ifTrue: [self primitiveSubtract].
            currentBytecode = 178 ifTrue: [self primitiveLessThan].
            currentBytecode = 179 ifTrue: [self primitiveGreaterThan].
            currentBytecode = 180 ifTrue: [self primitiveLessOrEqual].
            currentBytecode = 181 ifTrue: [self primitiveGreaterOrEqual].
            currentBytecode = 182 ifTrue: [self primitiveEqual].
            currentBytecode = 183 ifTrue: [self primitiveNotEquat].
            currentBytecode = 184 ifTrue: [self primitiveMultiply].
            currentBytecode = 185 ifTrue: [self primitiveDivide].
            currentBytecode = 186 ifTrue: [self primitiveMod].
            currentBytecode = 187 ifTrue: [self primitiveMakePoint].
            currentBytecode = 188 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitShift].
            currentBytecode = 189 ifTrue: [self primitiveDiv].
            currentBytecode = 190 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitAnd].
            currentBytecode = 191 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitOr]]

Only five of the non-arithmetic special selectors invoke primitives without a message lookup (= =, class, blockCopy:, value, and value:). The primitive routine for = = is found in the section on system primitives and the routine for class in storage management primitives. They are both invoked for any class of receiver. The routines for blockCopy:, value, and value: are found in the section on control primitives. The routine for blockCopy: will be invoked if the receiver is a MethodContext or a BlockContext. The routines for value and value: will only be invoked if the receiver is a BlockContext.

    | receiverClass |
    argumentCount  self fetchInteger: (currentBytecode - 176) * 2 + 1
                            ofObject: SpecialSelectorsPointer.
            memory fetchClassOf: (self stackValue: argumentCount).
    currentBytecode = 198 ifTrue: [self primitiveEquivalent].
    currentBytecode = 199 ifTrue: [self primitiveClass].
    currentBytecode = 200
        ifTrue: [self success:
                    (receiverClass = ClassMethodContextPointer)
                        | (receiverClass = ClassBlockContextPointer).
                self success ifTrue: [self primitiveBlockCopy]].
    (currentBytecode = 201) | (currentBytecode = 202)
        ifTrue: [self success: receiverClass = ClassBlockContextPointer.
                self success ifTrue: [self primitiveValue]].
    self primitiveFail

The second and third paths to primitive routines listed above are taken after a CompiledMethod for a message has been found. The presence of a primitive is detected by the primitiveResponse routine called in executeNewMethod. The primitiveResponse routine is similar to the specialSelectorPrimitiveResponse routine in that it returns true if a primitive response was successfully made and false otherwise. Recall that the executeNewMethod routine activates the CompiledMethod that has been looked up if primitiveResponse returns false.

    | flagValue thisReceiver offset |
    primitiveIndex = 0
        ifTrue: [flagValue  self flagValueOf: newMethod.
            flagValue = 5
                ifTrue: [self quickReturnSelf.
            flagValue = 6
                ifTrue: [self quickInstanceLoad.
        ifFalse: [self initPrimitive.
                    self dispatchPrimitives.
                    self success]

Flag values of 5 and 6 reach the two most commonly found primitives, a simple return of self and a simple return of one of the receiver's instance variables. Returning self is a no-op as far as the interpreter is concerned since self's object pointer occupies the same place on the stack as the message receiver that it should occupy as the message response.


Returning an instance variable of the receiver is almost as easy.

    | thisReceiver fieldIndex |
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    fieldIndex  self fieldIndexOf: newMethod.
    self push: (memory fetchPointer: fieldIndex
        ofObject: thisReceiver)

The six types of primitives in the formal specification deal with arithmetic, subscripting and streaming, storage management, control structures, input/output, and general system access. These correspond to six ranges of primitive indices. A range of primitive indices has been reserved for implementation-private primitive routines. They may be assigned any meaning, but cannot be depended upon from interpreter to interpreter. Since these are not part of the specification, they cannot be described here.

    primitiveIndex < 60
        ifTrue: [self dispatchArithmeticPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 68
        ifTrue: [self dispatchSubscriptAndStreamPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 80
        ifTrue: [self dispatchStorageManagementPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 90
        ifTrue: [self dispatchControlPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 110
        ifTrue: [self dispatchInputOutputPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 128
        ifTrue: [self dispatchSystemPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 256
        ifTrue: [self dispatchPrivatePrimitives]

Arithmetic Primitives

There are three sets of arithmetic primitive routines, one for SmallIntegers, one for large integers (LargePositiveIntegers and LargeNegativeIntegers), and one for Floats. The primitives for SmallIntegers and Floats must be implemented, the primitives for large integers are optional.

    primitiveIndex < 20
        ifTrue: [self dispatchIntegerPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 40
        ifTrue: [self dispatchLargeIntegerPrimitives].
    primitiveIndex < 60
        ifTrue: [self dispatchFloatPrimitives]

The first set of arithmetic primitive routines all pop a receiver and argument off the stack and fail if they are not both SmallIntegers. The routines then push on the stack either the integral result of a computation or the Boolean result of a comparison, The routines that produce an integral result fail if the value cannot be represented as a SmallInteger.

    primitiveIndex = 1 ifTrue: [self primitiveAdd].
    primitiveIndex = 2 ifTrue: [self primitiveSubtract].
    primitiveIndex = 3 ifTrue: [self primitiveLessThan].
    primitiveIndex = 4 ifTrue: [self primitiveGreaterThan].
    primitiveIndex = 5 ifTrue: [self primitiveLessOrEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 6 ifTrue: [self primitiveGreaterOrEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 7 ifTrue: [self primitiveEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 8 ifTrue: [self primitiveNotEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 9 ifTrue: [self primitiveMultiply].
    primitiveIndex = 10 ifTrue: [self primitiveDivide].
    primitiveIndex = 11 ifTrue: [self primitiveMod].
    primitiveIndex = 12 ifTrue: [self primitiveDiv].
    primitiveIndex = 13 ifTrue: [self primitiveQuo].
    primitiveIndex = 14 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitAnd].
    primitiveIndex = 15 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitOr].
    primitiveIndex = 16 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitXor].
    primitiveIndex = 17 ifTrue: [self primitiveBitShift].
    primitiveIndex = 18 ifTrue: [self primitiveMakePoint]

The primitiveAdd, primitiveSubtract, and primitiveMultiply routines are all identical except for the arithmetic operation used, so only the primitiveAdd routine will be shown here.

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver + integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitive routine for division (associated with the selector /) is different than the other three arithmetic primitives since it only produces a result if the division is exact, otherwise the primitive fails. This primitive, and the next three that have to do with rounding division, all fail if their argument is 0.

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success: integerArgument ~= 0.
    self success: integerReceiver \\ integerArgument = 0.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver // integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: (memory integerObjectOf: integerResult)]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitive routine for the modulo function (associated with the selector \\) gives the remainder of a division where the quotient is always rounded down (toward negative infinity).

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success: integerArgument ~= 0.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver \\ integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

There are two primitive routines for rounding division (associated with the selectors // and quo:). The result of // is always rounded down (toward negative infinity).

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success: integerArgument ~= 0.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver // integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The result of quo: is truncated (rounded toward zero).

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success: integerArgument ~= 0.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver quo: integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitiveEqual, primitiveNotEqual, primitiveLessThan, primitiveLessOrEqual, primitiveGreaterThan, and primitiveGreaterOrEqual routines are all identical except for the comparison operation used, so only the primitiveEqual routine will be shown here.

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerReceiver = integerArgument
            ifTrue: [self push: TruePointer]
            ifFalse: [self push: FalsePointer]]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitiveBitAnd, primitiveBitOr, and primitiveBitXor routines perform logical operations on the two's-complement binary representations of SmallInteger values. They are identical except for the logical operation used, so only the primitiveBitAnd routine will be shown here.

    | integerReceiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver bitAnd: integerArgument].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitive routine for shifting (associated with the selector bitShift:) returns a SmallInteger whose value represented in two's-complement is the receiver's value represented in two's-complement shifted left by the number of bits indicated by the argument. Negative arguments shift right. Zeros are shifted in from the right in left shifts. The sign bit is extended in right shifts. This primitive fails if the correct result cannot be represented as a SmallInteger.

    | integer Receiver integerArgument integerResult |
    integerArgument  self popInteger.
    integerReceiver  self popInteger.
    self success
        ifTrue: [integerResult  integerReceiver bitShift: integerArgument.
            self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerResult)].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self pushInteger: integerResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitive routine associated with the selector @ returns a new Point whose x value is the receiver and whose y value is the argument.

    | integerReceiver integerArgument pointResult |
    integerArgument  self popStack.
    integerReceiver  self popStack.
    self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerReceiver).
    self success: (memory isIntegerValue: integerArgument).
    self success
        ifTrue: [pointResult  memory instantiateClass: ClassPointPointer
                    withPointers: ClassPointSize.
            memory storePointer: XIndex
                ofObject: pointResult
                withValue: integerReceiver.
            memory storePointer: YIndex
                ofObject: pointResult
                withValue: integerArgument.
            self push: pointResult]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

    XIndex  0.
    YIndex  1.
    ClassPointSize  2

The primitive indices 21 to 37 are the same as primitives 1 to 17 except that they perform their operations on large integers (instances of LargePositiveInteger and LargeNegativeInteger). There are adequate Smalltalk implementations for all of these operations so the primitive routines are optional and will not be specified in this chapter. To implement them, the corresponding Smalltalk methods should be translated into machine language routines.

    self primitiveFail

Instances of Float are represented in IEEE single-precision (32-bit) format. This format represents a floating point quantity as a number between one and two, a power of two, and a sign. A Float is a word-size, nonpointer object. The most significant bit of the first field indicates the sign of the number (1 means negative). The next eight most significant bits of the first field are the 8-bit exponent of two biased by 127 (0 means an exponent of -127, 128 means an exponent of 1, and so on). The seven least significant bits of the first field are the seven most significant bits of the fractional part of the number between one and two. The fractional part is 23 bits long and its 16 least significant bits are the contents of the second field of the Float. So a Float whose fields are


represents the value

그림 29-1

0 is represented as both fields=O. The floating point primitives fail if the argument is not an instance of Float or if the result cannot be represented as a Float. This specification of the Smalltalk-80 virtual machine does not specifically include the parts of the IEEE standard other than the representation of floating point numbers. The implementation of routines that perform the necessary operations on floating point values is left to the implementer.

The primitiveAsFloat routine converts its SmallInteger receiver into a Float. The routines for primitives 41 through 50 perform the same operations as 1 through 10 or 21 through 30, except that they operate on Floats. The primitiveTruncated routine returns a SmallInteger equal to the value of the receiver without any fractional part. It fails if its truncated value cannot be represented as a SmallInteger. The primitiveFractionalPart returns the difference between the receiver and its truncated value. The primitiveExponent routine returns the exponent of the receiver and the primitiveTimesTwoPower routine increases the exponent by an amount specified by the argument.

    primitiveIndex = 40 ifTrue: [self primitiveAsFloat].
    primitiveIndex = 41 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatAdd].
    primitiveIndex = 42 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatSubtract].
    primitiveIndex = 43 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatLessThan].
    primitiveIndex = 44 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatGreaterThan].
    primitiveIndex = 45 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatLessOrEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 46 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatGreaterOrEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 47 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 48 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatNotEqual].
    primitiveIndex = 49 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatMultiply].
    primitiveIndex = 50 ifTrue: [self primitiveFloatDivide].
    primitiveIndex = 51 ifTrue: [self primitiveTruncated].
    primitiveIndex = 52 ifTrue: [self primitiveFractionalPart].
    primitiveIndex = 53 ifTrue: [self primitiveExponent].
    primitiveIndex = 54 ifTrue: [self primitiveTimesTwoPower]

Array and Stream Primitives

The second set of primitive routines are for manipulating the indexable fields of objects both directly, by subscripting, and indirectly, by streaming. These routines make use of the 16-bit positive integer routines, since the limit on indexable fields is 65534.

    primitiveIndex = 60 ifTrue: [self primitiveAt].
    primitiveIndex = 61 ifTrue: [self primitiveAtPut].
    primitiveIndex = 62 ifTrue: [self primitiveSize].
    primitiveIndex = 63 ifTrue: [self primitiveStringAt].
    primitiveIndex = 64 ifTrue: [self primitiveStringAtPut].
    primitiveIndex = 65 ifTrue: [self primitiveNext].
    primitiveIndex = 66 ifTrue: [self primitiveNextPut].
    primitiveIndex = 67 ifTrue: [self primitiveAtEnd]

The following routines are used to check the bounds on subscripting operations and to perform the subscripting accesses. They determine whether the object being indexed contains pointers, 16-bit integer values, or 8-bit integer values, in its indexable fields. The checkIndexableBoundsOf:in: routine takes a one-relative index and determines whether it is a legal subscript of an object. It must take into account any fixed fields.

checkIndexableBoundsOf: index in: array
    | class |
    class  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    self success: index > = 1.
    self success: index + (self fixedFieldsOf: class) < = (self lengthOf: array)

lengthOf: array
    (self isWords: (memory fetchClassOf: array))
        ifTrue: [memory fetchWordLengthOf: array]
        ifFalse: [memory fetchByteLengthOf: array]

The subscript:with: and subscript:with:storing: routines assume that the number of fixed fields has been added into the index, so they use it as a one-relative index into the object as a whole.

subscript: array with: index
    | class value |
    class  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    (self isWords: class)
        ifTrue: [(self isPointers: class)
            ifTrue: [memory fetchPointer: index - 1
                    ofObject: array]
            ifFalse: [value  memory fetchWord: index - 1
                        ofObject: array.
                        self positive 16BitIntegerFor: value]]
        ifFalse: [value  memory fetchByte: index - 1
                                ofObject: array.
                    memory integerObjectOf: value]

subscript: array with: index storing: value
    | class |
    class  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    (self isWords: class)
        ifTrue: [(self isPointers: class)
            ifTrue: [memory storePointer: index - 1
                            ofObject: array
                            withValue: value]
            ifFalse: [self success: (memory isIntegerObject: value).
                        self success ifTrue:
                                storeWord: index - 1
                                ofObject: array
                                withValue: (self positive 16BitValueOf:
        ifFalse: [self success: (memory isIntegerObject: value).
                    self success ifTrue:
                        [memory storeByte: index - 1
                            ofObject: array
                            withValue: (self lowByteOf:
                                (memory integerValueOf:

The primitiveAt and primitiveAtPut routines simply fetch or store one of the indexable fields of the receiver. They fail if the index is not a SmallInteger or if it is out of bounds.

    | index array arrayClass result |
    index  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    array  self popStack.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [index  index + (self fixedFieldsOf: arrayClass).
                    result  self subscript: array
                        with: index].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: result]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitiveAtPut routine also fails if the receiver is not a pointer type and the second argument is not an 8-bit (for byte-indexable objects) or 16-bit (for word-indexable objects) positive integer. The primitive routine returns the stored value as its value.

    | array index arrayClass value result |
    value  self popStack.
    index  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    array  self popStack.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [index  index + (self fixedFieldsOf: arrayClass).
            self subscript: array
                with: index
                storing: value].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: value]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 3]

The primitiveSize routine returns the number of indexable fields the receiver has (i.e., the largest legal subscript).

    | array class length |
    array  self popStack.
    class  memory fetchClassOf: array
    length  self positive 16BitIntegerFor:
            (self lengthOf: array) - (self fixedFieldsOf: class).
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: length]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

The primitiveStringAt and primitiveStringAtPut routines are special responses to the at: and at:put: messages by instances of String. A String actually stores 8-bit numbers in byte-indexable fields, but it communicates through the at: and at:put: messages with instances of Character. A Character has a single instance variable that holds a SmallInteger. The value of the SmallInteger returned from the at: message is the byte stored in the indicated field of the String. The primitiveStringAt routine always returns the same instance of Character for any particular value. It gets the Characters from an Array in the object memory that has a guaranteed object pointer called characterTablePointer.

    | index array ascii character |
    index  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    array  self popStack.
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [ascii  memory integerValueOf: (self subscript: array
                with: index).
    | index array ascii character |
    index  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    array  self popStack.
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [ascii  memory integerValueOf: (self subscript: array
                            with: index).
                    character  memory fetchPointer: ascii
                        ofObject: CharacterTablePointer].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: character]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

    CharacterValueIndex  0

The primitiveStringAtPut routine stores the value of a Character in one of the receiver's indexable bytes. It fails if the second argument of the at:put: message is not a Character.

    | index array ascii character |
    character  self popStack.
    index  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    array  self popStack.
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index
        in: array.
    self success: (memory fetchClassOf: character) = ClassCharacterPointer.
    self success
        ifTrue: [ascii  memory fetchPointer: CharacterValueIndex
                    ofObject: character.
                    self subscript: array
                        with: index
                        storing: ascii].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: character]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitiveNext, primitiveNextPut, and primitiveAtEnd routines are optional primitive versions of the Smalltalk code for the next, nextPut:, and atEnd messages to streams. The primitiveNext and primitiveNextPut routines only work if the object being streamed is an Array or a String.

    StreamArrayIndex  0.
    StreamIndexIndex  1.
    StreamReadLimitIndex  2.
    StreamWriteLimitIndex  3

    | stream index limit array arrayClass result ascii |
    stream  self popStack.
    array  memory fetchPointer: StreamArrayIndex
                ofObject: stream.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    index  self fetchInteger: StreamIndexIndex
            ofObject: stream.
    limit  self fetchInteger: StreamReadLimitIndex
            ofObject: stream.
    self success: index < limit.
    self success:
        (arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer) | (arrayClass = ClassStringPointer).
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index + 1
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [index  index + 1.
                    result  self subscript: array
                                with: index].
    self success
        ifTrue [arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer
                ifTrue: [self push: result]
                ifFalse: [ascii  memory integerValueOf: result.
                    self push: (memory fetchPointer: ascii
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

    | value stream index limit array arrayClass result ascii |
    value  self popStack.
    stream  self popStack.
    array  memory fetchPointer: StreamArrayIndex
                    ofObject: stream.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    index  self fetchInteger: StreamIndexIndex
                ofObject: stream.
    limit  self fetchInteger: StreamWriteLimitIndex
                ofObject: stream.
    self success: index < limit.
    self success:
        (arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer) | (arrayClass = ClassStringPointer).
    self checkIndexableBoundsOf: index + 1
        in: array.
    self success
        ifTrue: [index  index + 1.
            arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer
                ifTrue: [self subscript: array
                    with: index
                    storing: value]
                ifFalse: [ascii  memory fetchPointer:
                                            ofObject: value.
                            self subscript: array
                                with: index
                                storing: ascii]].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self storeInteger: StreamIndexIndex
                        ofObject: stream
                        withValue: index].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: value]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

    | stream array arrayClass length index limit |
    stream  self popStack.
    array  memory fetchPointer: StreamArrayIndex
                    ofObject: stream.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: array.
    length  self lengthOf: array.
    index  self fetchInteger: StreamIndexIndex
                    ofObject: stream.
    limit  self fetchInteger: StreamReadLimitIndex
                    ofObject: stream.
    self success:
        (arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer) | (arrayClass = ClassStringPointer).
    self success
        ifTrue: [(index > = limit) | (index > = length)
        ifFalse: [self push: FalsePointer]]
    ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

Storage Management Primitives

The storage management primitive routines manipulate the representation of objects. They include primitives for manipulating object pointers, accessing fields, creating new instances of a class, and enumerating the instances of a class.

    primitiveIndex = 68 ifTrue: [self primitiveObjectAt].
    primitiveIndex = 69 ifTrue: [self primitiveObjectAtPut].
    primitiveIndex = 70 ifTrue: [self primitiveNew].
    primitiveIndex = 71 ifTrue: [self primitiveNewWithArg].
    primitiveIndex = 72 ifTrue: [self primitiveBecome].
    primitiveIndex = 73 ifTrue: [self primitiveInstVarAt].
    primitiveIndex = 74 ifTrue: [self primitiveInstVarAtPut].
    primitiveIndex = 75 ifTrue: [self primitiveAsOop].
    primitiveIndex = 76 ifTrue: [self primitiveAsObject].
    primitiveIndex = 77 ifTrue: [self primitiveSomeInstance].
    primitiveIndex = 78 ifTrue: [self primitiveNextInstance].
    primitiveIndex = 79 ifTrue: [self primitiveNewMethod]

The primitiveObjectAt and primitiveObjectAtPut routines are associated with the objectAt: and objectAt:put: messages in CompiledMethod. They provide access to the object pointer fields of the receiver (the method header and the literals) from Smalltalk. The header is accessed with an index of 1 and the literals are accessed with indices 2 through the number of literals plus 1. These messages are used primarily by the compiler.

    | thisReceiver index |
    index  self popInteger.
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self success: index > 0.
    self success: index < = (self objectPointerCountOf: thisReceiver).
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: (memory fetchPointer: index - 1
            ofObject: thisReceiver)]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

    | thisReceiver index newValue |
    newValue  self popStack.
    index  self popInteger.
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self success: index > 0.
    self success: index < = (self objectPointerCountOf: thisReceiver).
    self success
        ifTrue: [memory storePointer: index - 1
                        ofObject: thisReceiver
                        withValue: newValue.
                    self push: newValue]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 3]

The primitiveNew routine creates a new instance of the receiver (a class) without indexable fields. The primitive fails if the class is indexable.

    | class size |
    class  self popStack.
    size  self fixedFieldsOf: class.
    self success: (self isIndexable: class) = = false.
    self success
        ifTrue: [(self isPointers: class)
            ifTrue: [ self push: (memory instantiateClass: class
                withPointers: size)]
            ifFalse: [self push: (memory instantiateClass: class
                withWords: size)]]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

The primitiveNewWithArg routine creates a new instance of the receiver (a class) with the number of indexable fields specified by the integer argument. The primitive fails if the class is not indexable.

    | size class |
    size  self positive 16BitValueOf: self popStack.
    class  self popStack.
    self success: (self isIndexable: class).
    self success
        ifTrue: [size  size + (self fixedFieldsOf: class).
                    (self isPointers: class)
                        ifTrue: [self push: (memory instantiateClass: class
                                                    withPointers: size)]
                        ifFalse: [(self isWords: class)
                                    ifTrue: [self push: (memory instantiateClass:
                                                                withWords: size)]
                                    ifFalse: [self push: (memory instantiateClass:
                                                                withBytes: size)]]]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitiveBecome routine swaps the instance pointers of the receiver and argument. This means that all objects that used to point to the receiver now point to the argument and vice versa.

    | thisReceiver otherPointer |
    otherPointer  self popStack.
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self success: (memory isIntegerObject: otherPointer) not.
    self success: (memory isIntegerObject: thisReceiver) not.
    self success
        ifTrue: [memory swapPointersOf: thisReceiver and: otherPointer.
                    self push: thisReceiver]
        ifFalse: [self unpop: 2]

The primitiveInstVarAt and primitiveInstVarAtPut routines are associated. with the instVarAt: and instVarAt:put: messages in Object. They are similar to primitiveAt and primitiveAtPut except that the numbering of fields starts with the fixed fields (corresponding to named instance variables) instead of with the indexable fields. The indexable fields are numbered starting with one more than the number of fixed fields. These routines need a different routine to check the bounds of the subscript.

checkInstanceVariableBoundsOf: index in: object
    | class |
    class  memory fetchClassOf: object.
    self success: index > = 1.
    self success: index < = (self lengthOf: object)

    | thisReceiver index value |
    index  self popInteger.
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self checkInstanceVariableBoundsOf: index
        in: thisReceiver.
    self success
        ifTrue: [value  self subscript: thisReceiver
                                with: index].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: value]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

    | thisReceiver index newValue realValue |
    newValue  self popStack.
    index  self popInteger.
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self checkInstanceVariableBoundsOf: index
            in: thisReceiver.
    self success
        ifTrue: [self subscript: thisReceiver
                with: index
                storing: newValue].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: newValue]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 3]

The primitiveAsOop routine produces a SmallInteger whose value is half of the receiver's object pointer (interpreting object pointers as 16-bit signed quantities). The primitive only works for non-SmallInteger receivers. Since non-SmallInteger object pointers are even, no information in the object pointer is lost. Because of the encoding of SmallIntegers, the halving operation can be performed by setting the least significant bit of the receiver's object pointer.

    | thisReceiver |
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    self success: (memory isIntegerObject: thisReceiver) = = false.
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: (thisReceiver bitOr: 1)]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

The primitiveAsObject routine performs the inverse operation of primitiveAsOop. It only works for SmallInteger receivers (it is associated with the asObject message in SmallInteger). It produces the object pointer that is twice the receiver's value. The primitive fails if there is no object for that pointer.

    | thisReceiver newOop |
    thisReceiver  self popStack.
    newOop  thisReceiver bitAnd: 16rFFFE.
    self success: (memory hasObject: newOop).
    self success
        ifTrue: [self push: newOop]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

The primitiveSomeInstance and primitiveNextInstance routines allow for the enumeration of the instances of a class. They rely on the ability of the object memory to define an ordering on object pointers, to find the first instance of a class in that ordering, and, given an object pointer, to find the next instance of the same class.

    | class |
    class  self popStack.
    (memory instanceOf: class)
        ifTrue: [self push: (memory initialInstanceOf: class)]
        ifFalse: [self primitiveFail]

    | object |
    object  self popStack.
    (memory isLastInstance: object)
        ifTrue: [self primitiveFail]
        ifFalse: [self push: (memory instanceAfter: object)]

The primitiveNewMethods routine is associated with the newMethod:header: message in CompiledMethod class. Instances of CompiledMethod are created with a special message. Since the part of a CompiledMethod that contains pointers instead of bytes is indicated in the header, all CompiledMethods must have a valid header. Therefore, CompiledMethods are created with a message (newMethod:header:) that takes the number of bytes as the first argument and the header as the second argument. The header, in turn, indicates the number of pointer fields.

    | header bytecodeCount class size |
    header  self popStack.
    bytecodeCount  self popInteger.
    class  self popStack.
    size  (self literalCountOfHeader: header) + 1 * 2 + bytecodeCount.
    self push: (memory instantiateClass: class
        withBytes: size)

Control Primitives

The control primitives provide the control structures not provided by the bytecodes. They include support for the behavior of BlockConte×ts, Processes, and Semaphores. They also provide for messages with parameterized selectors.

    primitiveIndex = 80 ifTrue: [self primitiveBlockCopy].
    primitiveIndex = 81 ifTrue: [self primitiveValue].
    primitiveIndex = 82 ifTrue: [self primitiveValueWithArgs].
    primitiveIndex = 83 ifTrue: [self primitivePerform].
    primitiveIndex = 84 ifTrue: [self primitivePerformWithArgs].
    primitiveIndex = 85 ifTrue: [self primitiveSignal].
    primitiveIndex = 86 ifTrue: [self primitiveWait].
    primitiveIndex = 87 ifTrue: [self primitiveResume].
    primitiveIndex = 88 ifTrue: [self primitiveSuspend].
    primitiveIndex = 89 ifTrue: [self primitiveFlushCache]

The primitiveBlockCopy routine is associated with the blockCopy: message in both BlockContext and MethodContext. This message is only produced by the compiler. The number of block arguments the new BlockConte×t takes is passed as the argument. The primitiveBlockCopy routine creates a new instance of BlockContext. If the receiver is a MethodContext, it becomes the new BlockContext's home context. If the receiver is a BlockContext, its home context is used for the new BlockConte×t's home context.

    | context methodContext blockArgumentCount newContext initialIP
    contextSize |
    blockArgumentCount  self popStack.
    context  self popStack.
    (self isBlockContext: context)
        ifTrue: [methodContext  memory fetchPointer: HomeIndex
                                            ofObject: context]
        ifFalse: [methodContext  context].
    contextSize  memory fetchWordLengthOf: methodContext.
    newContext  memory instantiateClass: ClassBlockContextPointer
                            withPointers: contextSize.
    initialIP  memory integerObjectOf: instructionPointer + 3.
    memory storePointer: InitialIPIndex
            ofObject: newContext
            withValue: initialIP.
    memory storePointer: InstructionPointerIndex
            ofObject: newContext
            withValue: initialIP.
    self storeStackPointerValue: 0
        inContext: newContext.
    memory storePointer: BlockArgumentCountIndex
            ofObject: newContext
            withValue: blockArgumentCount.
    memory storePointer: HomeIndex
            ofObject: newContext
            withValue: methodContext.
    self push: newContext

The primitiveValue routine is associated with all revalue" messages in BlockContext (value, value:, value:value:, and so on). It checks that the receiver takes the same number of block arguments that the "value" message did and then transfers them from the active context's stack to the receiver's stack. The primitive fails if the number of arguments do not match. The primitiveValue routine also stores the active context in the receiver's caller field and initializes the receiver's instruction pointer and stack pointer. After the receiver has been initialized, it becomes the active context.

    | blockContext blockArgumentCount initialIP |
    blockContext  self stackValue: argumentCount.
    blockArgumentCount  self argumentCountOfBlock: blockContext.
    self success: argumentCount = blockArgumentCount.
    self success
        ifTrue: [self transfer: argumentCount
                fromIndex: stackPointer - argumentCount + 1
                ofObject: activeContext
                toIndex: TempFrameStart
                ofObject: blockContext.
            self pop: argumentCount + 1.
            initialIP  memory fetchPointer: InitialIPIndex
                        ofObject: blockContext.
    memory storePointer: InstructionPointerIndex
                    ofObject: blockContext
                    withValue: initialIP.
    self storeStackPointerValue: argumentCount
        inContext: blockContext.
    memory storePointer: CallerIndex
                    ofObject: blockContext
                    withValue: activeContext.
    self newActiveContext: blockContext]

The primitiveValueWithArgs routine is associated with the valueWithArguments: messages in BlockContext. It is basically the same as the primitiveValue routine except that the block arguments come in a single Array argument to the valueWithArguments: message instead of as multiple arguments to the revalue" message.

    | argumentArray blockContext blockArgumentCount
    arrayClass arrayArgumentCount initialIP |
    argumentArray  self popStack.
    blockContext  self popStack.
    blockArgumentCount  self argumentCountOfBlock: blockContext.
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf: argumentArray.
    self success: (arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer).
    self success
        ifTrue: [arrayArgumentCount  memory fetchWordLengthOf:
                    self success: arrayArgumentCount = blockArgumentCount].
    self success
        ifTrue: [self transfer: arrayArgumentCount
                        fromIndex: 0
                        ofObject: argumentArray
                        toIndex: TempFrameStart
                        ofObject: blockContext.
                    initialIP  memory fetchPointer: InitialIPIndex
                                ofObject: blockContext.
                    memory storePointer: InstructionPointerIndex
                            ofObject: blockContext
                            withValue: initialIP.
                    self storeStackPointerValue: arrayArgumentCount
                        inContext: blockContext.
                    memory storePointer: CallerIndex
                            ofObject: blockContext
                            withValue: activeContext.
                    self newActiveContext: blockContext]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 2]

The primitivePerform routine is associated with all "perform" messages in Object (perform:, perform:with:, perform:with:with:, and so on). It is equivalent to sending a message to the receiver whose selector is the first argument of and whose arguments are the remaining arguments. It is, therefore, similar to the sendSelector:argumentCount: routine except that it must get rid of the selector from the stack before calling executeNewMethod and it must check that the CompiledMethod it finds takes one less argument that the "perform" message did, The primitive fails if the number of arguments does not match.

    | performSelector newReceiver selectorIndex |
    performSelector  messageSelector.
    messageSelector  self stackValue: argumentCount - 1.
    newReceiver  self stackValue: argumentCount.
    self lookupMethodInClass: (memory fetchClassOf: newReceiver).
    self success: (self argumentCountOf: newMethod) = (argumentCount - 1).
    self success
        ifTrue: [selectorIndex  stackPointer - argumentCount + 1.
                    self transfer: argumentCount - 1
                        fromIndex: selectorIndex + 1
                        ofObject: activeContext
                        toIndex: selectorIndex
                        ofObject: activeContext.
                    self pop: 1.
                    argumentCount  argumentCount - 1.
                    self executeNewMethod]
        ifFalse: [messageSelector  performSelector]

The primitivePerformWithArgs routine is associated with the performWithArguments: messages in Object. It is basically the same as the primitivePerform routine except that the message arguments come in a single Array argument to the performWithArguments: message instead of as multiple arguments to the "perform" message.

    | thisReceiver performSelector argumentArray arrayClass arraySize 
    index |
    argumentArray  self popStack.
    arraySize  memory fetchWordLengthOf: argumentArray. 
    arrayClass  memory fetchClassOf argumentArray.
    self success: (stackPointer + arraySize)
                            < (memory fetchWordLengthOf: activeContext).
    self success: (arrayClass = ClassArrayPointer). 
    self success
        ifTrue: [performSelector  messageSelector. 
                    messageSelector  self popStack. 
                    thisReceiver  self stackTop. 
                    argumentCount  arraySize.
                    index  1.
                    [index < = argumentCount]
                        whileTrue: [self push (memory fetchPointer: index - 1 
                                                        ofObject: argumentArray).
                                    index  index + 1].
                    self lookupMethodInClass:
                                (memory fetchClassOf: thisReceiver). 
                    self success (self argumentCountOf: newMethod)
                                                    = argumentCount.
                    self success
                        ifTrue: [self executeNewMethod] 
                        ifFalse: [self unPop: argumentCount.
                                    self push: messageSelector.
                                    self push: argumentArray. 
                                    argumentCount  2.
                                    messageSelector  performSelector]]
        ifFalse: [self unPop: 1]

The next four primitive routines (for primitive indices 85 through 88) are used for communication and scheduling of independent processes. The following routine initializes the indices used to access Processes, ProcessorSchedulers, and Semaphores.

    "Class ProcessorScheduler"
    ProcessListsIndex  0.
    ActiveProcessIndex  1.
    "Class LinkedList"
    FirstLinkIndex  0.
    LastLinkIndex  1.
    "Class Semaphore"
    ExcessSignalsIndex  2.
    "Class Link"
    NextLinkIndex  0.
    "Class Process"
    SuspendedContextIndex  1.
    PriorityIndex  2.
    MyListIndex  3

Process switching must be synchronized with the execution of bytecodes. This is done using the following four interpreter registers and the four routines: checkProcessSwitch, asynchronousSignal:, synchronousSignal:, and transferTo:.

newProcessWaiting The newProcessWaiting register will be true if a process switch is called for and false otherwise.
newProcess If newProcessWaiting is true then the newProcess register will point to the Process to be transferred to.
semaphoreList The semaphoreList register points to an Array used by the interpreter to buffer Semaphores that should be signaled. This is an Array in Interpreter, not in the object memory. It will be a table in a machine-language interpreter.
semaphoreIndex The semaphoreIndex register holds the index of the last Semaphore in the semaphoreList buffer.
Process-related Registers of the Interpreter

The asynchronousSignal: routine adds a Semaphore to the buffer.

asynchronousSignal: aSemaphore
    semaphoreIndex  semaphoreIndex +1 .
    semaphoreList at: semaphoreIndex put: aSemaphore

The Semaphores will actually be signaled in the checkProcessSwitch routine which calls the synchronousSignal: routine once for each Semaphore in the buffer. If a Process is waiting for the Semaphore, the synchronousSignal: routine resumes it. If no Process is waiting, the synchronousSignal: routine increments the Semaphore's count of excess signals. The isEmptyList:, resume:, and removeFirstLinkOfList: routines are described later in this section.

synchronousSignal: aSemaphore
    | excessSignals |
    (self isEmptyList: aSemaphore)
        ifTrue: [excessSignals  self fetchInteger: ExcessSignalsIndex
                            ofObject: aSemaphore.
                    self storeInteger: ExcessSignalsIndex
                        ofObject: aSemaphore
                        withValue: excessSignals + 1]
        ifFalse: [self resume: (self removeFirstLinkOfList: aSemaphore)]

The transferTo: routine is used whenever the need to switch processes is detected. It sets the newProcessWaiting and newProcess registers.

transferTo: aProcess
    newProcessWaiting  true.
    newProcess  aProcess

The checkProcessSwitch routine is called before each bytecode fetch (in the interpret routine) and performs the actual process switch if one has been called for. It stores the active context pointer in the old Process, stores the new Process in the ProcessorScheduler's active process field, and loads the new active context out of that Process.

    | activeProcess |
    [semaphoreIndex > 0]
            [self synchronousSignal: (semaphoreList at: semaphoreIndex).
                semaphoreIndex  semaphoreIndex - 1].
        ifTrue: [newProcessWaiting  false.
                    activeProcess  self activeProcess.
                    memory storePointer: SuspendedContextIndex
                            ofObject: activeProcess
                            withValue: activeContext.
                    memory storePointer: ActiveProcessIndex
                            ofObject: self schedulerPointer
                            withValue: newProcess.
                    self newActiveContext:
                                (memory fetchPointer: SuspendedContextIndex
                                    ofObject: newProcess)]

Any routines desiring to know what the active process will be must take into account the newProcessWaiting and newProcess registers. Therefore, they use the following routine.

        ifTrue: [newProcess]
        ifFalse: [memory fetchPointer: ActiveProcessIndex
            ofObject: self schedulerPointer]

The instance of ProcessorScheduler responsible for scheduling the actual processor needs to be known globally so that the primitives will know where to resume and suspend Processes. This ProcessorScheduler is bound to the name Processor in the Smalltalk global dictionary. The association corresponding to Processor has a guaranteed object pointer, so the appropriate ProcessorScheduler can be found.

    memory fetchPointer: ValueIndex
        ofObject: SchedulerAssociationPointer

When Smalltalk is started up, the initial active context is found through the scheduler's active Process.

    newProcessWaiting  false
    memory fetchPointer: SuspendedContextIndex
        ofObject: self activeProcess

If the object memory automatically deallocates objects on the basis of reference counting, special consideration must be given to reference counting in the process scheduling routines. During the execution of some of these routines, there will be times at which there are no references to some object from the object memory (e.g., after a Process has been removed from a Semaphore but before it has been placed on one of the ProcessorScheduler's LinkedLists). If the object memory uses garbage collection, it simply must avoid doing a collection in the middle of a primitive routine. The routines listed here ignore the reference-counting problem in the interest of clarity. Implementations using reference counting will have to modify these routines in order to prevent premature deallocation of objects.

The following three routines are used to manipulate LinkedLists.

removeFirstLinkOfList: aLinkedList
    | firstLink lastLink nextLink |
    firstLink  memory fetchPointer: FirstLinkIndex
        ofObject: aLinkedList.
    lastLink  memory fetchPointer: LastLinkIndex
        ofObject: aLinkedList.
    lastLink = firstLink
        ifTrue: [memory storePointer: FirstLinkIndex
                        ofObject: aLinkedList
                        withValue: NilPointer.
                    memory storePointer: LastLinkIndex
                        ofObject: aLinkedList
                        withValue: NilPointer]
        ifFalse: [nextLink  memory fetchPointer: NextLinkIndex
                                        ofObject: firstLink.
                    memory storePointer: FirstLinkIndex
                        ofObject: aLinkedList
                        withValue: nextLink].
    memory storePointer: NextLinkIndex
            ofObject: firstLink
            withValue: NilPointer.

addLastLink: aLink toList: aLinkedList
    | lastLink |
    (self isEmptyList: aLinkedList)
        ifTrue: [memory storePointer: FirstLinkIndex
                        ofObject: aLinkedList
                        withValue: aLink]
        ifFalse: [lastLink  memory fetchPointer: LastLinkIndex
                                        ofObject: aLinkedList.
                    memory storePointer: NextLinkIndex
                            ofObject: lastLink
                            withValue: aLink].
    memory storePointer: LastLinkIndex
            ofObject: aLinkedList
            withValue: aLink.
    memory storePointer: MyListIndex
            ofObject: aLink
            withValue: aLinkedList

isEmptyList: aLinkedList
    (memory fetchPointer: FirstLinkIndex
        ofObject: aLinkedList)
            = NilPointer

These three LinkedList routines are used, in turn, to implement the following two routines that remove links from or add links to the ProcessorScheduler's LinkedLists of quiescent Processes.

    | priority processLists processList |
    processLists  memory fetchPointer: ProcessListsIndex
            ofObject: self schedulerPointer.
    priority  memory fetchWordLengthOf: processLists.
    [processList  memory fetchPointer: priority - 1
            ofObject: processLists.
        self is EmptyList: processList] whileTrue: [priority  priority - 1].
    self removeFirstLinkOfList: processList!

sleep: aProcess
    | priority processLists processList |
    priority  self fetchInteger: PriorityIndex
            ofObject: aProcess.
    processLists  memory fetchPointer: ProcessListsIndex
                ofObject: self schedulerPointer.
    processList  memory fetchPointer: priority - 1
                ofObject: processLists.
    self addLastLink: aProcess
        toList: processList

These two routines are used, in turn, to implement the following two routines that actually suspend and resume Processes.

    self transferTo: self wakeHighestPriority

resume: aProcess
    | activeProcess activePriority newPriority |
    activeProcess  self activeProcess.
    activePriority  self fetchInteger: PriorityIndex
                            ofObject: activeProcess.
    newPriority  self fetchInteger: PriorityIndex
                        ofObject: aProcess.
    newPriority > activePriority
        ifTrue: [self sleep: activeProcess.
                    self transferTo: aProcess]
        ifFalse: [self sleep: aProcess]

The primitiveSignal routine is associated with the signal message in Semaphore. Since it is called in the process of interpreting a bytecode, it can use the synchronousSignal: routine. Any other signaling of Semaphores by the interpreter (for example, for timeouts and keystrokes) must use the asynchronousSignal: routine.

    self synchronousSignal: self stackTop.

The primitiveWait routine is associated, with the wait message in Semaphore. If the receiver has an excess signal count greater than O, the primitiveWait routine decrements the count. If the excess signal count is O, the primitiveWait suspends the active Process and adds it to the receiver's list of Processes.

    | thisReceiver excessSignals |
    thisReceiver  self stackTop.
    excessSignals  self fetchInteger: ExcessSignalsIndex
                            ofObject: thisReceiver.
    excessSignals > 0
        ifTrue: [self storeInteger: ExcessSignalsIndex
                        ofObject: thisReceiver
                        withValue: excessSignals - 1]
        ifFalse: [self addLastLink: self activeProcess
                        toList: thisReceiver.
                    self suspendActive]

The primitiveResume routine is associated with the resume message in Process. It simply calls the resume: routine with the receiver as argument.

    self resume: self stackTop

The primitiveSuspend routine is associated with the suspend message in Process. The primitiveSuspend routine suspends the receiver if it is the active Process. If the receiver is not the active Process, the primitive fails.

    self success: self stackTop = self activeProcess.
    self success
        ifTrue: [self popStack.
                    self push: NilPointer.
                    self suspendActive]

The primitiveFlushCache routine removes the contents of the method cache. Implementations that do not use a method cache can treat this as a no-op.

    self initializeMethodCache

Input/Output Primitives

The input/output primitive routines provide Smalltalk with access to the state of the hardware devices. Since the implementation of these routines will be dependent on the structure of the implementing machine, no routines will be given, just a specification of the behavior of the primitives.

    primitiveIndex = 90 ifTrue: [self primitiveMousePoint]. 
    primitiveIndex = 91 ifTrue: [self primitiveCursorLocPut]. 
    primitiveIndex = 92 ifTrue: [self primitiveCursorLink].
    primitiveIndex = 93 ifTrue: [self primitiveInputSemaphore]. 
    primitiveIndex = 94 ifTrue: [self primitiveSampleInterval]. 
    primitiveIndex = 95 ifTrue: [self primitiveInputWord]. 
    primitiveIndex = 96 ifTrue: [self primitiveCopyBits]. 
    primitiveIndex = 97 ifTrue: [self primitiveSnapshot]. 
    primitiveIndex = 98 ifTrue: [self primitiveTimeWordsInto]. 
    primitiveIndex = 99 ifTrue: [self primitiveTickWordsInto]. 
    primitiveIndex = 100 ifTrue: [self primitiveSignalAtTick]. 
    primitiveIndex = 101 ifTrue: [self primitiveBeCursor]. 
    primitiveIndex = 102 ifTrue: [self primitiveBeDisplay]. 
    primitiveIndex = 103 ifTrue: [self primitiveScanCharacters]. 
    primitiveIndex = 104 ifTrue: [self primitiveDrawLoop]. 
    primitiveIndex = 105 ifTrue: [self primitiveStringReplace]

Four of the primitive routines are used to detect actions by the user. The two types of user action the system can detect are changing the state of a bi-state device and moving the pointing device. The bi-state devices are the keys on the keyboard, three buttons associated with the pointing device and an optional five-paddle keyset. The buttons associated with the pointing device may or may not actually be on the physical pointing device. Three of the four input primitive routines (primitiveInputSemaphore, primitiveInputWord, and primitiveSampleInterval) provide an active or event-initiated mechanism to detect either state change or movement. The other primitive routine (primitiveMousePoint) provides a passive or polling mechanism to detect pointing device location.

The event-initiated mechanism provides a buffered stream of 16-bit words that encode changes to the bi-state devices or the pointing device location. Each time a word is placed in the buffer, a Semaphore is signaled (using the asynchronousSignal: routine). The Semaphore to signal is initialized by the primitiveInputSemaphore routine. This routine is associated with the primInputSemaphore: message in InputState and the argument of the message becomes the Semaphore to be signaled. The primitiveInputWord routine (associated with the primInputWord message in InputState) returns the next word in the buffer, removing it from the buffer. Since the Semaphore is signaled once for every word in the buffer, the Smalltalk process emptying the buffer should send the Semaphore a wait message before sending each primInputWord message. There are six types of 16-bit word placed in the buffer. Two types specify the time of an event, two types specify state change of a bi-state device, and two types specify pointing device movement. The type of the word is stored in its high order four bits. The low order 12-bits are referred to as the parameter.

The six type codes have the following meanings.

type code meaning
0 Delta time (the parameter is the number of milliseconds since the last event of any type)
1 X location of the pointing device
2 Y location of the pointing device
3 Bi-state device turned on (the parameter indicates which device)
4 Bi-state device turned off (the parameter indicates which device)
5 Absolute time (the parameter is ignored, the next two words in the buffer contain a 32-bit unsigned number that is the absolute value of the millisecond clock)

Whenever a device state changes or the pointing device moves, a time word is put into the buffer. A type 0 word will be used if the number of milliseconds since the last event can be represented in 12 bits. Otherwise, a type 5 event is used followed by two words representing the absolute time. Note that the Semaphore will be signaled 3 times in the latter case. Following the time word(s) will be one or more words of type 1 through 4. Type 1 and 2 words will be generated whenever the pointing device moves at all. It should be remembered that Smalltalk uses a left-hand coordinate system to talk about the screen. The origin is the upper left corner of the screen, the x dimension increases toward the right, and the y dimension increases toward the bottom. The minimum time span between these events can be set by the primitiveSampleInterval routine which is associated with the primSampleInterval: message in InputState. The argument to primSampleInterval: specifies the number of milliseconds between movement events if the pointing device is moving constantly.

Type 3 and 4 words use the low-order eight bits of the parameter to specify which device changed state. The numbering scheme is set up to work with both decoded and undecoded keyboards. An undecoded keyboard is made up of independent keys with independent down and up transitions. A decoded keyboard consists of some independent keys and some "meta" keys (shift and escape) that cannot be detected on their own, but that change the value of the other keys. The keys on a decoded keyboard only indicate their down transition, not their up transition. On an undecoded keyboard, the standard keys produce parameters that are the ASCII code of the character on the keytop without shift or control information (i.e,, the key with "A" on it produces the ASCII for "a" and the key with "2" and "@"on it produces the ASCII for "2"). The other standard keys produce the following parameters.

key parameter
backspace 8
tab 9
line feed 10
return 13
escape 27
space 32
delete 127

For an undecoded keyboard, the meta keys have the following parameters.

key parameter
left shift 136
right shift 137
control 138
alpha-lock 139

For a decoded keyboard, the full shifted and "controlled" ASCII should be used as a parameter and successive type 3 and 4 words should be produced for each keystroke.

The remaining bi-state devices have the following parameters.

key parameter
left or top "pointing device" button 128
center "pointing device" button 129
right or bottom "pointing device" button 130
keyset paddles right to left 131 through 135

The primitiveMousePoint routine allows the location of the pointing device to be polled. It allocates a new Point and stores the location of the pointing device in its x and y fields.

The display screen is a rectangular set of pixels that can each be one of two colors. The colors of the pixels are determined by the individual bits in a specially designated instance of DisplayScreen. DisplayScreen is a subclass of Form. The instance of DisplayScreen that should be used to update the screen is designated by sending it the message beDisplay. This message invokes the primitiveBeDisplay primitive routine. The screen will be updated from the last recipient of beDisplay approximately 60 times a second.

Every time the screen is updated, a cursor is ORed into its pixels. The cursor image is determined by a specially designated instance of Cursor. Cursor is a subclass of Form whose instances always have both width and height of 16. The instance of Cursor that should be ORed into the screen is designated by sending it the message beCursor. This message invokes the primitiveBeCursor primitive routine.

The location at which the cursor image should appear is called the cursor location. The cursor location may be linked to the location of the pointing device or the two locations may be independent. Whether or not the two locations are linked is determined by sending a message to class Cursor with the selector cursorLink: and either true or false as the argument. If the argument is true, then the two locations will be the same; if it is false, they are independent. The cursorLink: message in Cursor's metaclass invokes the primitiveCursorLink primitive routine.

The cursor can be moved in two ways. If the cursor and pointing device have been linked, then moving the pointing device moves the cursor. The cursor can also be moved by sending the message primCursorLocPut: to an instance of InputState. This message takes a Point as an argument and invokes the primitiveCursorLocPut primitive routine. This routine moves the cursor to the location specified by the argument. If the cursor and pointing device are linked, the primitiveCursorLocPut routine also changes the location indicated by the pointing device.

The primitiveCopyBits routine is associated with the copyBits message in BitBlt and performs an operation on a bitmap specified by the receiver. This routine is described in Chapter 18.

The primitiveSnapshot routine writes the current state of the object memory on a file of the same format as the Smalltalk-80 release file. This file can be resumed in exactly the same way that the release file was originally started. Note that the pointer of the active context at the time of the primitive call must be stored in the active Process on the file.

The primitiveTimeWordsInto and primitiveTickWordsInto routines are associated with the timeWordsInto: and tickWordsinto: messages in Sensor. Both of these messages take a byte indexable object of at least four bytes as an argument. The primitiveTimeWordsInto routine stores the number of seconds since the midnight previous to January 1, 1901 as an unsigned 32-bit integer into the first four bytes of the argument. The primitiveTickWordsInto routine stores the number of ticks of the millisecond clock (since it last was reset or rolled over) as an unsigned 32-bit integer into the first four bytes of the argument.

The primitiveSignalAtTick routine is associated with the signal:atTick: messages in ProcessorScheduler. This message takes a Semaphore as the first argument and a byte indexable object of at least four bytes as the second argument. The first four bytes of the second argument are interpreted as an unsigned 32-bit integer of the type stored by the primitiveTickWordsInto routine. The interpreter should signal the Semaphore argument when the millisecond clock reaches the value specified by the second argument. If the specified time has passed, the Semaphore is signaled immediately. This primitive signals the last Semaphore to be passed to it. If a new call is made on it before the last timer value has been reached, the last Semaphore will not be signaled. If the first argument is not a Semaphore, any currently waiting Semaphore will be forgotten.

The primitiveScanCharacters routine is an optional primitive associated with the scanCharactersFrom:to:in:rightX:stopConditions:displaying message in CharacterScanner. If the function of the Smalltalk method is duplicated in the primitive routine, text display will go faster. The primitiveDrawLoop routine is similarly an optional primitive associated with the drawLoopX:Y: message in BitBlt. If the function of the Smalltalk method is duplicated in the primitive routine, drawing lines will go faster.

System Primitives

The seven final primitives are grouped together as system primitives.

    primitiveIndex = 110 ifTrue: [self primitiveEquivalent].
    primitiveIndex = 111 ifTrue: [self primitiveClass].
    primitiveIndex = 112 ifTrue: [self primitiveCoreLeft].
    primitiveIndex = 113 ifTrue: [self primitiveQuit].
    primitiveIndex = 114 ifTrue: [self primitiveExitToDebugger]. 
    primitiveIndex = 115 ifTrue: [self primitiveOopsLeft].
    primitiveIndex = 116 ifTrue: [self primitiveSignalAtOopsLeftWordsLeft]

The primitiveEquivalent routine is associated with the = = message in Object. It returns true if the receiver and argument are the same object (have the same object pointer) and false otherwise.

    | thisObject otherObject |
    otherObject  self popStack.
    thisObject  self popStack.
    thisObject = otherObject
        ifTrue: [self push: TruePointer]
        ifFalse: [self push: FalsePointer]

The primitiveClass routine is associated with the class message in Object. It returns the object pointer of the receiver's class.

    | instance |
    instance  self popStack.
    self push: (memory fetchClassOf: instance)

The primitiveCoreLeft routine returns the number of unallocated words in the object space. The primitiveQuit routine exits to another operating system for the host machine, if one exists. The primitiveExitToDebugger routine calls the machine language debugger, if one exists.
